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Transponder keys, problems

Dunwoody GA LocksmithOne of the best keys that you can have for your car is a transponder key. Of course, they are more expensive to duplicate and a bit more complicated as it relates to its function. But, they offer much more security than regular car keys. Not a lot of locksmith companies can create or duplicate a transponder key. Lucky for you, Dunwoody Locksmith Pro in Dunwoody, GA can handle all your transponder key issues.

Types of Transponder Keys

There are 2 main types of transponder keys.

1. Switchblade key

2. Laser-cut key (Sidewinder)

Both types are equally effective but the Switchblade key is slightly more complex than the laser cut key. Not a lot of people know how transponder key works. It may seem quite unimportant to you, but it may actually help you to know what’s happening if something goes wrong with it. So, let’s get into it.

How Does a Transponder Key Work?

Although transponder keys seem to be very complicated, they are actually not that difficult to understand. They transmit signals to the computer in your vehicle and once the signal is received, your car will start. If there is no signal, obviously, the car will not be going anywhere. This makes it very difficult to steal vehicles that require a transponder key.

Now, for the potential primary problem. Since these cars require a connection between the transponder and the computer, if your key isn’t working, your vehicle won’t be able to start. This is why they have made transponder keys so hard to duplicate, make and program. As you can imagine, this challenge is associated with a higher price tag when compared to a regular key and you may not be able to send a random person to get that key duplicated for you.

Problems with Transponder Keys

So, transponder keys seem great, right? They offer a lot of protection against theft for your vehicle and they are not easy to duplicate by criminals. What could possibly go wrong? Well, if you have a transponder key, you may already know some of the things that can go wrong. Here are a few.

  • The battery dies
    If your transponder key stops working, one of the first things you should check is the batteries. Since transponder keys require batteries to work, the batteries can die and need replacing. You may not get any form of warning before your batteries die so you may not have prepared for this. But, here’s a tip. Once your car uses a transponder key, always keep spare batteries in your car. When those old batteries decide to hit the curb, you have backup ones close by. If you are the handy type, you may be able to change the batteries by yourself. Otherwise, you may want to get a locksmith to do it for you.

  • It needs to be reprogrammed
    Sometimes, your transponder key may need to get reprogrammed. For some types of transponder keys, this is an easy task. For others, it’s not so simple. You may have to take it to a locksmith or your auto dealer. If you have a copy of your transponder key, you may have to use it until you can get the other one reprogrammed since it will not work.

  • It got stolen or lost
    A stolen or lost transponder key is serious. If it ends up in the wrong hands, your vehicle will not be as secure as it was before. If your transponder key gets stolen, make sure you do something about it. Report it and take extra precaution to make sure that you do not leave your vehicle vulnerable. In the meantime, you will have to get a new key in order to drive your car. To prevent this, make sure that you are extremely careful with your keys.

  • The key got broken
    If your transponder key breaks, it means one thing- you need to get a new one. What can you do to prevent this? Take care of your key. Do not use it to open bottles or cut through certain materials. The more you do that, the more likely it will be for your key to break.

  • You have a stuck key
    Transponder keys are not magical keys that cannot get stuck. If your key gets stuck in the ignition, make sure that you check to see that it is not because your steering wheel is locked, you are in the right gear etc. If it turns out that the key is really stuck, you may need to call a locksmith to get it removed. Do not try to yank the key out of the ignition! It may cause it to break and this may cause more problems for you.

  • The transponder chip falls out
    Transponder keys may not be as durable as other keys. If they fall, the chip may fall out. If you realize that your chip has fallen out, make sure you replace it. Without the chip, the key will not work as it should. Although the transponder key can open the vehicle and the trunk when the chip is missing, it won’t be able to start the ignition. If your key has fallen, make sure you check to see that everything is intact. Since the chip is so small, it may have fallen out without you noticing.

  • Manufacturer defect
    In a few cases, your transponder key may stop working because of a manufacturer defect. Luckily, many of these keys come with a manufacturer warranty so you won’t have to worry once the warranty is still active. On the contrary, if the warranty has expired, you may have to get a new key.

When you experience a problem with your transponder key, you may not have to call a locksmith right away. Some keys just need to be reprogrammed and you may be able to do it yourself. Check the owner’s manual to see how can troubleshoot the problem before you call the professionals. If you realize that you need professional help, Dunwoody Locksmith Pro in Dunwoody, GA has technicians who can handle it for you. If you’re located elsewhere, a fast Google search will reveal experts in your city!

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Transponder keys, problems
